Monday, 15 June 2015

Take the shot

This is a video that Josh and I made, enjoy!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

This is my lunch for today. I have to make a lunch plan.
My lunch plan is to eat my oaty bake and apple at morning tea and eat all the rest of it at lunch.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Fav Song

This Is My Favourite Song.

 What Is Yours?

Funny Cat Viedo

This is my first cat post there will be many more

Genius Hour Pitch

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

100WC #Week 35

I hate telling this story but I must. On June the 5th 1994 my friend and I went outside. John said
"I bought these." Then I saw a bag with a few cigarettes in it.
" I don't think we should try them" I said
"Chicken," I grabbed one of the horrible things and lit it. When I inhaled it I thought it would be good  but it made my tongue tingle. It was yuck. Later in the year I was having 20 a day. A year later I was in the emergency room having surgery. I almost died. Don't Smoke!